Dora Griffiths is part of art centre Waringarri Artists.
Dora Griffiths’ commitment to her culture and her community are reflected in her multi-faceted responsibilities as an artist, an emerging curator and a community leader. Her arts practice primarily includes painting and textiles printing.
« I was born in Kununurra on Miriwoong Country and lived here all my life except for some schooling in Broome in Years 8 & 9. I have worked at St Joseph’s School as a teacher’s aid and at Mirima Language centre as a secretary. I also worked at the Women’s Centre. I started as the artist support worker at Waringarri Aboriginal Arts helping all the old people in 2004. After coming here for a while and helping the old people mix paints, I started painting myself.
I have worked as the art centre Administration and Gallery Assistant and then the Dawang Projects Officer supporting artists and art projects. I am a Director on the Waringarri Aboriginal Arts Board and have been the Chairperson in 2005, 2013, 2018 and 2020-23. I have been a Director on the ANKA Board since 2012 and the Gawooleng Yawoodeng Women’s Centre Board since 2010. I was elected to the advisory committee of the Miriwoong Language Authority in 2022. I completed the ANKA Arts-worker Extension program in 2012 and have learnt many industry skills. I completed a Certificate in Cross Cultural Conservation & Heritage as part of the AWE Pathways in December 2018 and I participated in the AACHWA Art Gallery of Western Australia Internship in 2019.
Since then I have curated several exhibitions at Waringarri Arts including Our Legacy II and Open Borders, which both toured regional WA.
I paint and print textiles as often as I can because it heals me.
I have 5 children and 8 grandchildren.
I am following in the footsteps of my parents and my elders to learn about Country, culture and art and to share that knowledge through my art and in the way I curate exhibitions. »
SOURCE: Waringarri Artists.